Trust me, the topic of this post sounds very pretentious. It’s as if I’ve gotten all my acts together and I’m here showing off. Honestly, I also need a lot of work on myself, but I understand that it’s a gradual process. You have to gradually identify all the things you need to improve your life and incorporate them into your daily activities. So, I identified these habits that are very necessary to adopt in my life right now, and I decided to share them with you. Don’t feel pressured by any of them; just pick them one at a time and work on them. Habits 1, 3, and 5 are very challenging for me but I’m still working on them.

What ‘good habit’ is particularly challenging for you? Share with me in the comment section.

A good life is driven by good habits, and there is no other way around it. The rule also applies to bad life and bad habits. Whatever energy you put into your hard work; you will receive the outcome of that energy.

It’s up to you to think about what you want and make a significant change for that.

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

And what you do consistently becomes your habit; whether good or bad, it progressively becomes your personality- your life.

“Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become.” -Hal Elrod

Spend some time here to make a positive impact in your life.

What is Habit?

Presently, who you are or the characteristics you portray are a result of the things you have repetitively done, all combined to form your personality. If you are proud of who you have become- good for you, but if you are not then brood over your life and make a swift change in your behavior.

Habit is defined as a behavior that starts as a choice, and then becomes a nearly unconscious pattern- Charles Duhigg, author of ‘The Power of Habits.’

Habit can also be defined as a usual way of behaving:something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way- Merriam-Webster

Here are 10 examples of good habits you can incorporate into your life.

  1. Cultivate the habit of reading. This part may seem trivial to some people, but it is very necessary. Reading adds up to your knowledge, builds your confidence, and makes you productive. When you read, you discover whole new information you can apply to your life. Reading also improves your brain and helps you to make informative decisions.
  2. Exercise. Most people picture exercising as something far beyond the ‘good life’, and therefore lack the motivation to do exercise. But exercise can increase your energy, make you feel better, and even add years to your life. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to overlook. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability. When it comes to exercise, people have different reasons for doing so; the most popular reasons are for weight loss or gain. However, exercise is not only good for these reasons, research in recent years has also illustrated that exercise is good for several things, including reducing inflammation, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, “Slowing” aging, triggering the growth of new brain cells, etc.
  3. Drink plenty of water every day. Drinking more water is very vital for your health. Water keeps you hydrated; The human body contains about 60% water and not drinking enough water can cause you problems including dehydration, constipation, kidney stones, and others. Because it’s significant to drink water throughout the day, you shouldn’t miss taking water first thing in the morning before anything else. Drinking water in the morning aids in digestion and metabolism, and also keeps you hydrated.
  4. Set life-transforming goals. What is life without purpose? The only way to get your life going as you want is to find a purpose; something that drives you to make the most in life. And that is to set, not just any goals, but life-transforming goals. Goals that will give you inner satisfaction or a sense of completion. Each day that passes by you should have something you would want to achieve in it.
  5. Save more than you spend. Sometimes, you will tend to spend more than necessary, but you have to cultivate the habit of saving. Always bear in mind to never spend more than you earn in a month. Make an action plan for the amount you will save or spend every month, and stick to it.
  6. Manage your time properly. An important habit for succeeding at everything in life is managing your time effectively. It is about how you make good use of the little time you have. Time may seem far ahead but it’s closer than you think. Success critically depends on how you leverage resources. Find a good system for managing your time and execute it. Starting this habit is not easy, but incorporating it into your daily routine will reward you greatly.
  7. Always say positive things to yourself: Words are very powerful, and they can influence you in any way you allow them. Be mindful of the things you say to yourself. Your everyday speech should be in line with what you want to achieve. Cut your tongue short from negative words that drive bad energy to you or invoke your inner demons to rise against you and have control.
  8. Apologize when you wrong someone: Saying sorry can be very difficult for someone who feels very pompous. But, starting a habit of apologizing when you wrong someone can save you a lot of trouble, literally. Saying sorry doesn’t take anything from your life; it saves you from losing important things like; your relationship, the people you love, your job, an opportunity, etc. Also, be mindful of how you say you are sorry; make sure to add emotions and apologize from your heart. Don’t just say the word.
  9. Reflect on your daily activities: At the end of each day, find time in the evening and contemplate all the things you did in a day. Don’t wait to think the next day or a week after, do it that same day so that you do not forget the things you did. Reflecting on the day’s activities helps you to list down the things you did that were not profitable. It allows you to recall your mistakes and make amends for them. It also helps you to plan the next day profitably.
  10. Impact another life positively. A lot of people may not appreciate the good things you do for them, but don’t let it stop you. They may forget the help you gave them, but they can never erase it from reality. Always impact a life; someday, someone will remember and extend that good gesture. Just like Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther) never forgot the kindness of Denzel Washington.

Starting a new habit can be difficult. Just know that making that habit a daily routine will eventually make it part of you. It’s advantageous to make such a good transformation in life. Having read this post indicates that you are making a significant change in your life that will benefit you greatly.

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